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Maximising ROI with Invoice Automation: What to Expect | Lentune

Written by Lentune | 19 August, 2024

Invoice automation is rapidly transforming the construction industry, offering a much-needed solution to the chaos of financial management.

For businesses juggling countless invoices, manual data entry, and endless approval chains, automation sounds like a dream come true.

But what kind of return on investment (ROI) can you expect? Let’s break it down.

What is invoice automation in construction?

Invoice automation in construction is all about streamlining your financial processes. It's seriously smart software that handles everything from the moment an invoice lands in your inbox to when it's paid, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Imagine never having to drown in paperwork or worry about losing track of bills again - invoice automation takes care of it all.

More and more construction firms are jumping on board. In fact, a recent industry report shows that 63% of construction companies plan to adopt invoice automation within the next two years. It's not just a trend - it's becoming a necessity.


Is it invoice automation, accounts payable automation, or AP automation?

Before we dig deeper, let's clear up some terminology. You might hear invoice automation referred to by several different names:

  • Invoice automation: This is the term we've been using, focusing on the automation of invoice processing.

  • AP automation: Short for Accounts Payable Automation, this term broadens the scope to include the entire payables process, including invoice processing.

  • Accounts payable automation: This is simply the full version of AP Automation, referring to the same concept.

  • Invoice processing automation: This zeroes in on the specific task of processing invoices within the broader accounts payable function.

In the construction industry, these terms are often used interchangeably. They all point to the same objective: streamlining how your business handles incoming invoices and payments.

So, whether you call it invoice automation, AP automation, or accounts payable automation, the end goal is the same - making your financial processes faster, more accurate and less of a headache.


How does invoice automation Save money on supplier billing?

Invoice automation shines when it comes to detecting supplier overbilling. Imagine manually comparing each invoice to the corresponding purchase order and agreed supplier price lists. Talk about a tedious task!

With invoice automation software, these checks are done in a flash. The system seamlessly matches invoices against POs and supplier price lists, flagging any price differences immediately.

This auto-matching feature helps prevent over-invoicing, allowing your team to catch errors before they impact the bottom line. The benefits extend beyond avoiding overpayments. With accurate billing, you gain the upper hand in negotiations with suppliers, leading to even more financial gains.

The ROI? From this feature alone, you could potentially save 3–5% on supplier costs. That adds up to hundreds if not thousands, of dollars in savings each month.


Can invoice automation improve team productivity?

Invoice automation doesn't just save money; it saves time  -  lots of it. Think about all the hours your team currently spends on manual data entry, chasing approvals, and handling paperwork.

With invoice automation, these repetitive tasks are significantly reduced, freeing up your staff to tackle more strategic, high-value activities.

Imagine your team diving into cash flow management, strategic planning, or project cost tracking instead of being bogged down by paperwork. This shift not only enhances productivity but also boosts employee satisfaction.

The ROI? Companies report a massive 70% reduction in invoice processing time after implementing automation. That's a lot of hours back in your day!


How does invoice automation improve invoice visibility?

Keeping track of invoice status can be a logistical nightmare. With invoices flowing in from all directions, it’s easy for approvals to get stuck, causing delays and headaches.

Invoice automation provides real-time visibility into the status of every invoice, from submission to approval.

Imagine being able to see exactly where each invoice is in the approval process. No more hunting down approvers or wondering where the hold-up is. With a clear overview, you can streamline operations and address any bottlenecks promptly.

The ROI? Companies report a 50% reduction in late payments and associated fees. That means better cash flow management and happier suppliers — win-win!

What impact does invoice automation have on decision-making?

One of the standout benefits of invoice automation is gaining access to real-time data. Instead of waiting for invoices to be processed, you now see costs against the job as soon as the invoices are received.

This means you're managing costs proactively rather than reacting to them after the fact. With this immediate insight, you can:

  • Catch overruns early: Spot potential cost overruns before they spiral out of control, giving you a chance to address issues while they're still manageable.

  • Make informed decisions on the fly: React quickly to changes and challenges as they arise, knowing that every decision you make is backed by accurate, up-to-date information.

  • Keep projects on budget: Real-time cost visibility helps you keep a close eye on your budget, preventing nasty surprises down the line. 

The ROI? It's substantial. Better-managed jobs lead to improved margins and a healthier bottom line. In fact, construction firms report a 15–20% improvement in project profit margins thanks to better cost control.


How does invoice automation enhance compliance and reduce risk?

In the construction industry, staying compliant and managing risk is absolutely critical. Invoice automation steps up to the plate here too. By creating a clear audit trail, it ensures that every action is logged and fully traceable.

This means you have a reliable record of every transaction, making compliance easier to maintain.

But the benefits don't stop there. Invoice automation also standardises your processes, ensuring that every invoice is handled consistently, reducing the chance of errors.

Plus, the system can flag any suspicious activities, significantly lowering the risk of fraud. When it comes to meeting industry-specific regulations, invoice automation has you covered, keeping you on the right side of the rules.

The ROI? It's impressive - companies report up to an 80% reduction in compliance-related issues and the costs associated with them. That's not just peace of mind  - it's a safeguard for your business.


What are the direct and indirect benefits of invoice automation?


👉 Direct ROI & Benefits

When it comes to invoice automation, the immediate payoffs are hard to ignore. Let's break down the direct benefits that'll have you wondering why you didn't make the switch sooner:

  • Cost savings: Cut down on processing costs significantly. With automation, you can expect a 60–80% reduction in invoice processing expenses, putting more money back in your pocket.

  • Time efficiency: Say goodbye to hours of manual data entry. Your team can process invoices up to 5 times faster, freeing them up for more valule-add tasks.

  • Increased accuracy: Human errors? They're history. Automation reduces errors by up to 95%, ensuring your financials are spot-on.

  • Improved cash flow: With real-time visibility into your payables, you can optimize payment timing and take advantage of early payment discounts.

  • Faster month-end close: No more late nights at the end of the month. Automation can cut your closing time by up to 50%, helping you wrap up your financials quicker and with less stress.

These benefits translate directly to your bottom line, making invoice automation a no-brainer for construction businesses looking to boost their financial performance.


👉 Indirect ROI & Benefits

The benefits of invoice automation extend beyond just dollars and cents. Think about the ripple effects:

  • Improved vendor relationships: When you pay on time, consistently, suppliers are more likely to offer better terms and service.

  • Enhanced reputation: Efficient processes reflect positively on your business, giving you an edge in winning that next big contract.

  • Competitive advantage: With faster, more accurate financial data, you're in a better position for bidding and planning.

  • Environmental impact: Let's not forget the trees! A significant reduction in paper usage is big a win for the planet.

These might not show up directly on your balance sheet, but they contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of your business.


How do you calculate the ROI of invoice automation?

Calculating the ROI of invoice automation is easier than you might think. Here's a straightforward formula to get you started:

👉 ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

Let's break it down with a potential real-world example:

  • Annual cost of manual invoice processing: $80,000
  • Annual cost of invoice automation software: $17,500

This gives you annual cost savings of $62,500.

Now, let's plug these numbers into our formula:

ROI = ($62,500 - $17,500) / $17,500 = 257%

That's a 257% ROI in the first year alone! And remember, this calculation only accounts for direct cost savings.

When you consider the productivity gains, improved decision-making and other benefits we've discussed, the real ROI could be even higher.


How can you get started with invoice automation?

Ready to dive into invoice automation? Here's a quick roadmap to get you started:

  1. Assess your current process: Take a good look at your current invoice handling. Where are the bottlenecks? What's eating up most of your time?

  2. Research solutions: Look for automation systems tailored for construction. Not all invoice automation is created equal!

  3. Crunch the numbers: Use the ROI formula we discussed earlier to estimate your potential savings. This will help you make a strong case for automation within your business.

  4. Plan for implementation: Think about how the new system will integrate with your existing processes. Make sure to include staff training in your plan to ensure a smooth transition.

  5. Start small: Consider running a pilot project to test the waters before rolling out automation across your entire operation.

The key to a successful implementation is choosing a solution that seamlessly fits with your existing systems and processes. Take it step by step, and you'll be on your way to reaping the benefits of invoice automation in no time!


Is invoice automation worth the investment for construction businesses?

Invoice automation is more than just a time-saver; it's a game-changer for the construction industry. From catching supplier overbilling to freeing up your team for higher-value tasks, the benefits are clear.

The ROI isn't just about saving money; it's about transforming your entire financial process for better productivity and profitability. With real-time data at your fingertips, improved compliance, and the indirect benefits boosting your business, invoice automation is an investment that pays for itself many times over.

For construction businesses struggling with manual invoice processes, automation offers a clear path to improved efficiency and profitability. It's not just about keeping up with the competition - it's about staying ahead of the game.