Accounting for one-off internal costs without an invoice

Where you may need to record internal costs such as digger hire or miscellaneous materials, so they will appear on the relevant project, but there is no associated invoice or receipt, you can create and import a dummy invoice, then add the details in the Invoice Check screen.

You should process the invoice so that it is cleared from the Invoice > Process screen, but not export that batch to your accounting system.

You will need a dummy supplier, e.g. Internal Costs Supplier, to use for these costs. Refer to Add a New Supplier for incoming Invoices to read about how to do this.

Create a Dummy PDF

Add Costs in the Invoice Check screen

This method is useful if you have only one or two lines of costs to enter.
  • You can create a dummy PDF from a word or excel document. It doesn't need to have any values as you will enter these details in the check screen. Using the name of your dummy supplier on your document will make it easier to locate this dummy invoice in the check screen.
  • If you have multiple lines of costs, then in the Invoice Check screen, you can click Add lines in your invoice and add further details, or you can import from a spreadsheet to your dummy invoice, as below.


Tip: You must populate the fields for Branch Code, Description, Price, Quantity and Amount. Other fields are optional.


Import the Dummy PDF as an Invoice

Once you have your dummy supplier, the first step is to import your dummy invoice.

  • From the Invoice > Check screen, click the Actions button above the list of invoices, and then select Manually add invoice.
  • Add the relevant details of cost and description, and any other necessary information. such as project. branch and cost code. If you need to add another invoice line, you can add that from the Add Lines button.

Importing Multiple Invoice Lines to an existing Invoice

If you have several lines of costs, adding the details to a spreadsheet is an easy way to manage this. 

  • We suggest creating separate documents for different projects to avoid confusion.
  • Create your dummy invoice as above.
  • Then create a spreadsheet using the attached template, and add the details in separate lines. You can add more details to this spreadsheet during the month and import the details as separate invoice lines to your dummy invoice.
  • Refer to Import Invoice Lines to read about this process. You can download a sample spreadsheet here.

    Import the Invoice Lines from your Spreadsheet

    • In the Invoice > Check screen, select your dummy invoice and click to the Invoice lines. 
    • Click More, then Import. 


    import invoice lines

    • Next, select your spreadsheet with the lines for this invoice, and click Confirm.

    import invoice lines 2

    This will add the lines to your existing invoice.

    Process the invoice

    Once you have created your dummy invoice, and added or import any additional lines, the next step is to process the invoice.

    • To process your invoice go to the Invoice > Process screen. We suggest that you create a batch with only this invoice (or similar dummy invoices). Therefore, select only this invoice in the process screen and click Create batch.
    • This takes you to the Project Invoice Batch screen. Do not click the Export Analysis button, as you do not want to send this invoice to your accounting system.

    This process allows you to account for any internal costs, so they are included in the project costs, without sending them to your accounting system for payment.


    • This method is for internal costs without corresponding documentation.
    • Ensure that these dummy invoices are handled carefully to avoid confusion in financial auditing.

    Need more help? We’re here! We hope our article was helpful! If you need more info or want to connect, drop us an email at

    Thank you. We love to hear from you!

    Last updated: 26 August 2024