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  2. Projects
  3. Managing Cost Codes and Budgets

Add and View Project Variations

Variations to costs and Cost codes can be added to Projects in the Projects Variations screen.


Add and View Project Variations


When you have made variations for Project costs from Invoices or Time sheets, you can view these in the Project.

You can also add variations to budgeted costs by adding these in the Project.

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Add and View Project Variations

  • From the Administration or Time Sheets menus, go to Projects and select the Project you want.
  • Click the Variations tab to display all existing Variations for this Project.


To add a new variation:

  • Click Bulk add new variation.
  • In the Cost Code field, you can select multiple Cost Codes. This allows you to create  variation lines for several Cost Codes at once.
  • Enter a Code for the variation, Notes and the Amount. These fields will be replicated for each new line. You can edit any of these fields on individual lines before you save the new data.
  • Click Add to add the lines.


Now you can see the lines that have been created and you can edit details if required.

  • When all details are correct, click Bulk Add.


This creates the new variation lines and takes you back to the Variation screen.

To see more detail for any Variation, or edit any details double click any line to bring up the Edit Variation screen for that entry line.


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Last updated: 12 August 2024