Customise Reminder Emails for Approvers of assigned Payable Invoices and Payable claims

You can customise the wording of the text in email reminders that are sent out to approvers by scheduled tasks.


Customise Text for Email Reminder to Approvers of Assigned Payable Invoices

Customise Text for Email Reminder to Approvers of Assigned Payable Claims


There is a default email subject and body text that will be included in the respective reminder emails to your Users who approve invoices and subcontract claims. The details of the emails contain the number of invoices or claims to be approved and the link to access the appropriate approval screen.

You can overwrite the default subject and body text for these emails that by including your own wording in the relevant task. The scheduled tasks are:

  • Email reminder for Assigned Payable Invoices, and
  • Email Reminder For Assigned Payable Claims.

The standard details showing the number of invoices or claims to approve and the link to the approve screen will be included below your customised message.

Invoices and claims must be checked before they will be included in these emails.

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Customise Text for Email Reminder to Approvers of Assigned Payable Invoices

To customise the subject line and body text of the reminder email message that is sent to invoice approvers:

  • Start at Settings > Managers and Tasks > Task Scheduler.
  • Select the reminder Email Reminder For Assigned Payable Invoices.

This takes you to the screen where you can edit the details for this email.

  • Go to the Parameters section.
  • Enter your preferred text for Override email subject.
  • Enter your preferred text for Override email body.

Note: The email will still show the number of invoices that the approver must check and the link to the approve screen. This will be displayed below the customised message.

  • Click Save and close.

email reminder to approve invoices

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Customise Text for Email Reminder to Approvers of Assigned Payable Claims for Subcontracts

To customise the subject line and body text of the reminder email message that is sent to invoice approvers, the setup is the same as the above option for payable invoices. The task used for this process is Email Reminder For Assigned Payable Claims.

The details of the email contain the number of claims to be approved and the link to access the approve screen.


email reminder to approve payable claims

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 Last updated: 5 February 2024