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Finding an Invoice that Failed to Integrate

How can I find why an invoice didn't transfer to my accounting or job management system?

If you find that an invoice you are expecting to be sent to your accounting or job costing system has not arrived, you can check in the Integration Hub to find out what has happened. If you have dual or multiple interfaces where your system may be set up so that invoices could be sent to more than one other program, these steps will help you locate any integration failures.

  • From the Lentune menu, click to Administration > Integration Hub then click the Invoice Integration tab.
  • Optionally, enter any search criteria, such as a start and end date, Status as Failed, and Integration Type. Select the Status of Failed to show only those items.
  • Click Search.

This will display a list of invoices that have failed to integrate.


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When you have located the invoice that you want to check, you can check the integration results or look in to the batch details.

Check the results

To check the integration results for this invoice:

  • In the Results column on the right hand side, click on the word Fail for this invoice.

This takes you to the Payable Invoice screen on the Integration tab, where you can view the processed for this particular invoice.

  • Look at the most recent line for the invoice, and click on Fail for that event.

This will display the details for the most recent attempt at integration.

In this example, the Payable Account for this invoice is not in the Xero supplier contact list, which you can see in the highlighted green box in the screen below.


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Now, go back to the Invoice Integration screen, and click on the Batch number. Here you click Export Analysis to re-export the batch.

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Check the batch details

From the Integration tab screen, you can also check the batch that the invoice was processed in.

  • To do this, click the Batch number of the invoice line that you want to investigate.

This takes you to the Batch screen, where the far right hand column will show you the integration status for this invoice.

In this example, there is a Cross in the column for Xero with Multibranch, indicating that the integration to Xero has failed. If you have dual interfaces, there will be columns for each system you integrate to, with a tick or cross to indicate success of failure for each interface that has been performed. 

  • Click on the Cross on the right hand side of the invoice line.

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  • Now, in the Payable Invoice Integration Log window, look at the most recent line for the invoice, and click on Fail.

This will display the details for the most recent attempt at integration.

In this example, the Payable Account for this invoice is not in the Xero supplier contact list.

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This tells you what has caused the failure to integrate and to which system, if you have more than one interface, so for an example such as this one, you can update the supplier details in your accounting system and retry the integration.

Read more about Integration and Checking the Status of your Batch Processing.

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Last updated: 9 July 2024