Identifying Xero Integration Errors

This article shows you how to locate any integration errors that may occur when processing invoices across to Xero.

When you are looking in either the Process or Batch screen, depending on your workflow, you can identify the integration status of an invoice via the Integration column on the far right of the grid.

An invoice may show one of these integration states:

  • A cross: This indicates that the invoice has failed to integrate to Xero.
  • A tick: This indicates that the invoice has successfully integrated to Xero.
  • A Dash: This indicates that the invoice has been skipped, possibly because it already exists in Xero.
  • Blank: This indicates that either this invoice has not yet been processed, or the process has attempted to integrate it, and the invoice has been found in Xero already.

Where there is a Cross or a Dash, you can drill down to see the error.



Click on the X or the invoice you want to investigate. This will open up the Payable Invoice Integration Log. In the grid you will see the Result column on the right, and the word either Success or Fail. In this example, it will show Fail.

Click on one of the failed rows. When you click on the row, the information in the Detail section below will expand and you will see the error message immediately under the Message header.

To find more information about common Xero integration errors, refer to Common Integration Errors: Xero.


Where to find skipped invoices in Xero

If an invoice has a dash against it, it likely already exists in Xero. You can check in Xero to find skipped invoices.

To do this go to Xero > Invoices > Bills To Pay.

On the right side of the screen under the Filter heading:

Under Deleted and voided > Select Show.

This will display any invoices recorded in Xero which may have been deleted or voided. In these situations, Lentune cannot resend them because Xero recognises them as duplicates which technically already exist in Xero.

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Last updated: 7 February 2024