Import Time Sheets

The facility to import timesheets from third party external systems allows you to track time worked in Lentune, without the need for manual data entry. This data can then be included in the costs involved in Projects and Head Contracts.

Download import Template

You'll need to get the data into a format that Lentune can import. To do this, you can download a template file.

  • From the Time Sheet > Time sheets menu, select More, then click Import.
  • Now click Download Import Template. The fields are shown in the table below.


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To Import Time Sheets from a Spreadsheet

When you have you time sheet data in the required format, you are ready to import it.

  • From the Time Sheet > Time sheets menu, select More, then click Import from the dropdown menu.

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  • Select your file or drag it to the box, and click Import.

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This will create the time sheet entries in Lentune, so they can be included in project costings and claims. The time sheet entries will be shown at the status of approved.


Import File Format for Time Sheet Entries

The file format you'll need should contain these fields:

Entry Type Required
Date Required
User Code Code or Description required
User Description Code or Description required
Project Code Code or Description required
Project Description Code or Description required
Cost Code Code Required
Cost Type Code Required if Code has a Type
Description Optional
Start Time Required
End Time Required
Break Duration Optional


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Last updated: 22 July 2024