Invoice Accrual Export Report

You can export a report of the invoices that haven't yet been approved for the month.


The Invoice Accrual report shows you a list and value of the invoices and invoice lines that haven't yet been approved for the month. This gives you a value of your outstanding liability for the month of invoices that have not yet been approved, thus allowing you to accrue a value of your payable liability at the end of the month or accounting period.

Invoice Accrual Report

  • This report can be exported from the Invoice Automation > Invoices menu.
  • From there, click Export selected invoices and select Export accrual report from the dropdown list.
  • Enter the date and time to report up to, and select the Export type.
  • Click Confirm.

Invoice accrual report-1


This creates an excel file for you, where you can obtain a total of unapproved invoices as at the date and time selected. The file contains the following columns:


Work Id (Branch)

Creditor Code

Invoice/Credit Note Number

Invoice Type, I = Invoice C = Credit Note

Invoice Description


Invoice Date

Payment Due Date

Invoice Amount incl GST

Line Item (GST exclusive Value)

Project ID

Cost Code

Cost Type

General Ledger Code

GST Code

GST Amount

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Last updated: 3 September 2023