Business Automation Releases 2023 +
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Lentune | Business Automation Release 2.94

Here's a wrap up of what we've been working on lately.

Invoice Automation

  • All our lookup fields have been updated so you no longer need to clear the fields to search again.
  • The Projects screen has been updated to now have both a Timesheets and Variations tab, allowing for better visibility of the Time and Variations that have been allocated to the Project.
  • We have added a new Variations screen on the Administration screen, allowing you to not only view all Variations system wide but also export and import via excel. Click here for more information.
  • We have added a new Integration Hub. This provides visibility of any issues that might arise from 3rd party integrations. Click here for more information.
  • In addition to the Integration Hub, you can now set escalation alerts for integration tasks, allowing for someone to be notified if a critical task fails.
  • We have added a new Audit Log search screen, providing visibility of who has changed data and also who has deleted data.
  • You can now customise the text on the automated Approval Reminder email that gets sent out. To see how to do this click here.
  • Additional Payment terms have been added. These are 20 days and 30 days.
  • VAT formatting is now accepted on an invoice.


  • Non ASCll characters are now filtered out when saving an email address.
  • A bug stopping the Tax from default when an expense Statement was imported has been corrected.
  • CSV file to import Invoice lines fixed.
  • Purchase Order tab was not displaying for documents with no supplier saved to them. This has been updated.

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Thanks for reading. If you have any questions about these updates, please reach out to us.


Ngā mihi,

Lentune Support Team

03 351 9110