Set the Lentune Payment Terms for your Suppliers

Set the Supplier's Payment Terms to determine the Invoice Due Date

When you are setting up your new Lentune system, or adding a new Supplier, an important field to set is the Payment Terms. This setting determines when an invoice is due for payment, and will automatically populate the Due Date on incoming invoices for this Supplier.

Watch the steps here, or read the text below:



Set the Payment Terms for a Supplier

You can access this from the Invoice Automation > Check Invoices screen when you are checking an invoice for a Supplier.

You can also access the Payment Terms for a Supplier from the Administration > Payables menu, then select the Supplier you want to update.

  • In the Details tab, look in the Additional details section.
  • Scroll down the page to the Payment Terms field, and click the search icon to select the option from the dropdown list for this Supplier. 
  • Then click Save and close.

This will now automatically populate the Due Date on incoming invoices for this Supplier.


APA Supplier Payment Terms-1

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Last updated: 4 July 2024