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Time Sheet Cost Rates

Establishing Time Sheet Cost Rates for User Groups and Users

Lentune has the ability to record both hourly rates (spent costs) for the User or User Group, and charge-out rates for a Project. Charge out rates may be set specifically by Project by User or User Group.

In this article, we'll look at the hourly rates.

To read about charge-out rates, please refer to Project-Specific Charge Out Rates for User Groups and Users.

Hourly Rates

There are two ways of recording the hourly rate, i.e. for the User or the User Group. The rate that is entered here will be used to calculate the spent cost for the cost codes in the project.

User Group

If you wish to group users together by an hourly rate, you can then assign Users to a User Group and apply an hourly rate that you wish to show as the spent rate.  You can determine the hourly rate as, for example, an average of the hourly wage for all Users in the User Group, the cost of employment, or something else that you have calculated.

Let's look at an example. Say you have a number of carpenters, and you wish to record the spent costs based on their cost of employment. You would create a User Group for Carpenters and assign all carpenters to this group. You have calculated that you wish to use the hourly rate for this group as $60 per hour.

  • This can be set up in Time Sheets > User Groups, then select the User Group that you want. 
  • In the User group default hourly rate field, enter the hourly rate of 60.00.


User Group default hourly rate


You can establish a rate to reflect the spent costs for time recorded by an individual user, and it can be different to the rate for the User Group that they belong to. As above, it may be their wage rate, the hourly cost of employment, or any other rate that you wish to be use as a spent cost against your budgeted cost.


Note: The hourly rate for an individual User will override the hourly rate for the User Group that the User belongs to.


For example, you may have an apprentice who is part of the Carpenter User Group, and you would like their hourly rate to reflect differently to the rest of the Carpenter User Group i.e. $40, so you would enter their rate in their User record at $40.

  • You can set this up in Time Sheets > Users, select the User and click to the Time sheet user tab.
  • Then in the field Override user specific hourly rate, enter the hourly rate of 40.00.


User specific hourly rate

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Last updated: 16 July 2024