Valid Purchase Order required to check in Invoices for Jobpac

Where you require all invoices to have a PO number, for example, when integrating to Jobpac, you can set a flag to enforce this.

  • Go to Administration > Settings.
  • In the Batch interfaces section, if the Payable invoice batch liability interface is set to Jobpac, several related fields are available in the External integration detail section.
  • If you want to enforce the use of PO numbers, check the field  Require valid po for invoice check-in.

Now when checking in invoices, if a Purchase Order is not present, a warning will be displayed. Now you can click the Update/Fetch Valid PO button to fetch new POs.

TIP: Note that if the settings field Use jobpac as po master is set to Yes, then the New purchase order button in Invoice Automation > Purchase Orders is disabled, as you will be expecting all POs to come in from Jobpac

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Last updated: 25 October 2023