Integrate Paramount with Simpro
Powered by Lentune
Want to see Paramount’s price file in your catalogue and receive invoices straight into Simpro? Yip, this integration lets you do that!
Get started - 100% free!
Get ready for a new level of efficiency
Powered by Lentune, this integration is syncing up Paramount and Simpro, unlocking a seriously smart workflow.
Sync Paramount’s price file into your Simpro catalogue
Sync Paramount’s price file directly into your Simpro catalogue, so you always have the latest prices right where you need them. No more errors, no more hassle — just accurate, up-to-date pricing at your fingertips.
Receive invoices directly into Simpro against the job
Receive Paramount invoices straight into Simpro, automatically matched to the right job. No more hunting down invoices or manual data entry — just seamless, accurate invoicing that saves you time and reduces errors.
Ready to rock and roll? If you already have customer portal access for the Paramount system, you're 90% there!
Just log into the portal, head to the details section, and connect your Simpro account using our handy guide.
Not sure what we're talking about? No worries.
Reach out to Paramount directly at, and they'll help you get started. Let's get you automated!
About Lentune
Lentune is at the forefront of innovation in the wholesale industry. We've built a reputation for leading-edge solutions and exceptional customer support. Our culture thrives on the belief that anything is possible, and we take pride in not taking ourselves too seriously.
About Simpro
Simpro is a cloud-based job management software solution created by trade contractors, for trade contractors. Simpro helps you to streamline job management, business processes, connect the field to the office and position your business for growth.